Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Fast Forwarding Through Winter - Guest Post by Katherine Glover

My friend and travel buddy, journalist Katherine Glover, wrote a post on her private blog about Day One of our road trip as seen through her eyes. She granted me permission to re-post her words here. I enjoyed it. I hope you will too:

Driving south was like fast forwarding through winter. We got to see all the different phases: the slushy, muddy, melting phase; the scattered patches of snow phase; the snow-is-all-gone-but-grass-is-brown-and-u
gly phase; etc.

Now that I'm in Dallas, I keep doing that thing where I leave a restaurant and I feel like I'm forgetting something, because I'm so used to picking up my coat, scarf, hat and gloves before I leave anywhere. This happens to me every end-of-winter; it's just usually not in January.

We also drove through a lot of fog, which was kind of cool but also kind of scary. Here's a pic:

Photo credit: The Unfathomable Will Conley

We left Sunday morning (a day later than originally planned), stopped overnight in Wichita and then drove the rest of the way to Dallas, where we'll be until Friday. We're using couch surfing, an organization that lets you network with other travelers and find free places to stay. It's a great idea, not just for financial reasons but also because you get somewhere and you already have people to talk to and hang out with. So far everyone we've met has been awesome. The only thing more I could wish for at this point is an extra ten or so hours of sleep.

Katherine Glover writes a daily food industry blog at BNET. A recent post of hers reports that Hugo Chavez has nationalized yet another economic sector in Venezuela: a supermarket chain! Read it: