Out of the 20 respondents to my informal poll, zero said that all of the official 9/11 story is accurate and that all questions about 9/11 were settled a long time ago. This is important. Even if you do not think that 9/11 was an inside job, you do believe
0.0% All of the official story is accurate. All questions about 9/11 were settled a long time ago.
35.0% All of the official story is accurate, but some details were withheld for security reasons.
40.0% Most of the official story is accurate, but some details were withheld to spare the INCOMPETENT.
25.0% Most of the official story is accurate, but some details were withheld to spare the GUILTY.
30.0% Very little of the official story is accurate, and most of the guilty parties are Americans.
10.0% None of the official story is accurate. Commercial airliners did not strike any buildings.
0.0% I feel I know everything there is to know about 9/11.
40.0% I feel I know more about 9/11 than the average joe.
25.0% I feel I know little about 9/11.
15.0% This poll is perfectly framed to register all possible opinion ranges.